Best books for IAS Preparation

Best books for IAS Preparation

Once, if a candidate had made up his mind to prepare for Civil Services Exam, he/ she would most likely be in a quest to find out the must read best books for IAS preparation. Most aspirants end up by buying and collecting anything and everything that comes to the market. Yet one may not be able to find the right book that he/she needs.When it comes to number and choices of books that an aspirant has,the choices are huge that a beginner may get confused. For the same subject,for instance, Modern Indian history you will have to choose from a range of books such as India’s struggle for Independence, Plassey to Partition, Modern Indian history, Raj to Swaraj etc.

Given the number of books available in the market, selecting the right one becomes a tricky affair. It is here that an aspirant should apply his mind. Do not buy anything and everything that is available in the market. Read the synopsis, see the comments about the book, do a bit of research on the internet, over and above make sure that content in the book is relevant for your preparation. Only buy a book after going through a few pages of it. But, there can still be room for apprehension, that whether or not, a particular book will cover all the aspects mentioned in the syllabus?All standard books pretty much covers the syllabus. The writing style and analysis of events may vary depending on the author.

You can have a two pronged approach while reading standard books; either you can read the same book twice or  may be thrice or, you can mix and match by selectively reading certain portions of a book which explains a topic well.In the latter case, the number books to be read will be more but at the same time you may get different perspectives of the same events.

Basic reading – Best Books for IAS Preparation

Before you move on please do understand that the most important and best books for UPSC preparation are none other than NCERT textbooks. It is always advisable to correct the basics before leaping to the advanced levels.

Also Read : NCERT books are the building blocks for UPSC Preparation 

Advanced learner -Best Books for IAS Preparation

Once done with NCERTs, it is time to move on to the advanced books. The number of subjects that are to be studied while preparing for UPSC examination can be broadly categorised into seven-

  • History,
  • Geography,
  • Indian Polity, Governance and International relations,
  • Economics,
  • Science and Technology,
  • Environment and Ecology
  • Ethics.

Apart from these subjects, current affairs is another area of importance .For each subject except Environment & Ecology and Ethics NCERT books are available from which questions are sure to figure in the prelims as well as mains. However,while preparing for mains examination, an advanced level of reading is necessary. Following are the subjects and books that are to be read while preparing for UPSC mains examination.


History is perhaps the most exhaustive subject in the syllabus. The UPSC Syllabus on History can be categorised into Ancient, Medieval , Modern, post independence Indian history and World History (only for mains).

For Ancient and medieval Indian history one can rely on NCERT text books. However, Modern Indian history requires some extra reading as it is specifically mentioned in the syllabus. An analysis of UPSC MAINS 2016-General Studies paper-1  will substantiate  the fact better. A reading with analysis and perspective is what is required when preparing for UPSC mains examination.

It is better to have an acquaintance to the critical writings of hitherto prominent historian on Indian History. Following books can help:

  1. India’s struggle for Independence- Bipan Chandra
  2. From Plassey To Partition and After by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay
  3. History of Modern India by Bipan Chandra
  4. Modern India: 1885-1947, Sumit Sarkar

For Post Independent history

  1. India After Gandhi: The History of the World’s Largest Democracy by Ramachandra Guha
  2. India Since Independence by Bipan Chandra

For World History

Mastering Modern World History – Norman Lowe

The list seems rather tedious,but need not be scared as you got to read only any one of the books as all the books deal with the same subject matter through different perspective.

Never read a book once, instead read the book twice if you really want to learn the subject.

Indian Polity & Governance

Unlike History, Indian polity contains both static and dynamic portions. Here too, one could see an overarching influence of Current affairs on both prelims and mains examination. Apart from the NCERT texts which proves as a help to cover the basics, the following books would help in better preparing Indian Polity.

  1. Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
  2. Introduction to the Constitution of India by D.D. Basu
  3. Our Constitution by Subhash C. Kashyap
  4. Governance in India by M. Laxmikanth

Indian Polity by Laxmikanth is a must read. Ideally this book must be read at least three times. However, other books are not must reads.

Our constitution by Subhash Kashyap is a simple book explaining the various facets of Indian Constitution together with the years and events in the process of preparation to Constitution.

Introduction to the constitution of India by DD Basu is meant for advanced readers. The subject matter discussed in  all the three books are the same. But, Laxmikant act more as a guide leading us through all the minute details whereas D.D Basu or Subhash Kashyap are more of generalistic approach which is useful for UPSC mains examination.

These books will suffice the requirements of Indian Polity & Governance subject. Again, Laxmikant is “the book” for Indian Polity for both prelims and mains. However, for the mains examination it is advisable to read DD Basu along with Laxmikant for writing better answers in the exam.Also, The book reading must be supplemented by relating the portions with the current affairs.

For International Relations:

  1. India and the dynamics of world politics by Pearson
  2. Challenge and Strategy: Rethinking India’s Foreign Policy by Rajiv Sikri
  3. Pax Indica by Dr Shashi Tharoor – “Shashi Tharoor’s most recent book, Pax Indica, explains why foreign policy matters for a country like India, and outlines how it could very well be a powerful instrument for her own domestic transformation. Beautifully written, Pax Indica is evocative of an engaging and exciting conversation which, while dotted with tongue-in-cheek anecdotes, misses neither the historical context nor the intricacies of the topic at hand.”- a comment by a reader;hope this would explain the merit in reading the book.
  4. MEA


Both Economics and Polity are two subjects that no aspirant or a civil servant can skip in their pursuit of exam or service. These subjects forms the core in the preparation of Civil Services Exam. Unlike polity, economics is a technical subject which requires guidance while preparing. NCERTs are of course there to help but there are couple of other books that would come handy while preparing economics. They are:

The Indian Economy by Sanjeev Verma

This book explains all the basic concepts of economics and is best suited for an absolute beginner.

Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh

This book is a bit lengthy and can be used as a supplementary source. Yet it’s a good read and explains all concepts in the best possible way.


For geography , it is more fun to read NCERTs from class VI-XII. This entire course by NCERT would help you smartly get through you geography syllabus. However, if at all you feel like you need a further reading the following books could be referred:

  1. Certificate Physical and Human Geography Goh Cheng Leong
  2. Geography of India by Majid Hussain
  3. India- A Comprehensive Geography by DR Khullar.

As a footnote:- please remember for geography, all the syllabus would be adequately covered in the NCERTs mentioned above. The books mentioned above are for reference and are not a must read,but, it is always good to have any of the 3 books as a reference; I repeat REFERENCE purpose only.

Environment and Ecology

When it comes to environment and ecology most of the questions asked are current affairs related. For studying Environment and ecology two resources are essential

  1. Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure by Rajagopalan
  2. A secondary resource preferably Environment by Shankar

The basics of this subject can be learned from the book Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure by Rajagopalan. This book will serve as primary material, reading of which should be supplemented by using a secondary resource such as Environment by Shankar. One can also use internet as secondary resource.

The book by Rajagopalan mentions about several international and national efforts, treaties and agreements related to preservation of environment. The details regarding these treaties should be learnt from a secondary source in detail.

Science and Technology

No special books should be read for this topic. Stick to NCERTs as mentioned in my previous blog. Questions from topic science and technology are asked based on current affairs.

Ethics Integrity & Aptitude

There are standard books to this subject and they are compiled together as per the need of UPSC . The two most recommended books are :

  1. Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude for Civil Services Examination by G. Subba Rao, P.N. Roy Chowdhury
  2. Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude for IAS General Studies Paper IV by Niraj Kumar

The above books would suffice the need of the syllabus, but if you are interested in the subject, particularly Philosophy it is advisable ( not necessary)  to read the following books leisurely and  at your own pace. What good does this books bring? The answer for this question will come to you when you appear for the exam. My Suggestions are:

  1. The story of philosophy by Will Durant
  2. From Socrates to Sartre- the philosophical quest by T.Z. Lavine
  3. Youtube Video on Emotional Intelligence by DANIEL GOLEMAN

Finally, The best books for IAS Preparation or UPSC exam list is exhaustive. How can one select book that suits him or her

Choose only after trying. The books mentioned above are written by different authors and analysis and observations made in each book differ. Before choosing a book you should go through it; read the same topic in each book and choose the book that seems to apt for to you.

Best books for IAS preparation

Well, that is the list of Best books for IAS Preparation . Now it’s time to start reading. The list is not and never will be complete. Each day new books are arriving into the market. Better books may come. So keep yourselves updated.

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This resource was published by Tony Abraham
02 January 2017

  • phanindra says:

    sir iam much intetested in civils services and i need suggestions
    iam started preparing with lucent publication gk book please suggest me books for prelims and mains