
It has been indicated by various researches that visual cues serve us in understanding, remembering and retaining information better. Words are abstract in nature, whereas images are concrete and stay vividly in our memory.

Selflearn, brings to every IAS aspirant, a new segment called Infolearn, which focuses on this very power of visual imagery to aid learning. A picture speaks a thousand words and Infolearn is an attempt in bridging the best of both worlds.

Infolearn is a graphical and analytical description of events of current relevance from the UPSC Civil Services exam point of view in a crispy nutshell. Infolearn helps you in easier understanding of concepts in various subjects and is more compatible for your visual memory.

With this segment, we at Selflearn strive to make your UPSC preparation more simple, smarter, sharper.

India – Bangladesh Relations – Infographics 2017
June 28th 2017

India – Bangladesh Relations – Infographics 2017

INDIA  BANGLADESH RELATIONS 2017 INFOGRAPHICS The most significant element of the India Bangladesh relations is the fact that India was the first country to recognize Bangladesh as a separate and independent state and established diplomatic relations with the country immediately after its independence in December 1971. India and Bangladesh share 4096.7 km. of border, which […]

India Nepal Relations – Infographics 2017
June 27th 2017

India Nepal Relations – Infographics 2017

India – Nepal Relations MoU on Motor Vehicle Agreement and flag off of Kathmandu-Delhi bus service ‘Pashupatinath Express’. This agreement would facilitate seamless and hassle-free movement of people of both countries, further enhancing people to people contact and also promoting tourism. It is modelled on a similar SAARC agreement. The Line of Credit of USD […]

India – Bhutan Relations – Infographics 2017
June 26th 2017

India – Bhutan Relations – Infographics 2017

India Bhutan relations are of key importance in shaping Indias foreign policy . Soon after taking up his office, Mr Modi made his maiden visit to Bhutan. This visit is of quite a relevance as Bhutan is a state that is strategically important to India due to its location, acting as a buffer state between […]

India – China Relations – Infographics 2017
February 13th 2017

India – China Relations – Infographics 2017

India -China relations are given highest priority by India in its international relations ,which is reflected today by regular exchanges at the highest level, sustained political dialogue on all outstanding issues, rapidly expanding economic relations and increasing cooperation on a growing number of regional and international issues. Historical Timeline in Indo-China Relations India established diplomatic relations […]

Universal Basic Income
February 04th 2017

Universal Basic Income

What is universal basic income? Universal Basic Income is a form of social security paid to individuals, not households, and it is paid to everyone. That’s how it becomes universal. It can be paid in kind (such as food or services) or in vouchers or can be a direct transfer into bank accounts to help […]

December 06th 2016


Climate Change History The International efforts to combat change began in 1992, countries joined an international treaty, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, as a framework for international cooperation to combat climate change by limiting average global temperature increases and the resulting climate change, and coping with impacts that were, by then, inevitable. […]

Lodha Committee: Everything you need to know
November 22nd 2016

Lodha Committee: Everything you need to know

What is Lodha committee? Lodha committee is a three member panel appointed by Supreme Court headed by retired Chief justice R. M Lodha to look into the functioning of BCCI and suggest reforms. Why SC appointed a committee to look into BCCI’s functioning? Following allegations of corruption, match fixing and betting scandals in cricket in […]

Maternity Benefit Amendment Bill 2016
November 16th 2016

Maternity Benefit Amendment Bill 2016

What is the Maternity Benefit Amendment all about? The maternity benefit Act 1961 protects the employment of women during the time of her maternity and entitles her of a ‘maternity benefit’ – i.e. full paid absence from work – to take care for her child. The act is applicable to all establishments employing 10 or more […]